For Sale
More babies to come this spring.
DOB 12/11/2024
Parents: Shadow and Miles
Peanut is the runt in the litter. She has had to have quite a bit of TLC and I thought I would lose her when she was smaller. She had a bout of really bad loose stools and had the start of head tilt when she was about four weeks old. She was treated with ivermectin and probiotics. She has been clear for about four weeks now. She appears healthy but being the smallest in the litter and with the early on health complications its hard to say if she just has a weaker immune system than the other bunnies or if she will be fine. She needs to go to a pet home that has an understanding of bunnies and one that won't have a stressful environment (so no young kids) or pets that would bother her. She is an active sassy little doe that is very curious. She also has ear control likely due to her smaller size.
$20 pet home only
Updated: 2/16/2025
Sales Policy:
This is my current sales policy if you have any questions please let me know.
1. Bunnies are sold first come first serve basis.
2. I will NOT hold a bunny without a 50% non refundable deposit. Deposits may be made through paypal. Please include your phone number when sending a deposit so that I can contact you in case e-mails don't go through.
3. Baby bunnies are expected to be picked up when they are 8 weeks old. If the baby needs to be held past 9 weeks old it is at a charge of $10 a week paid in advance. If bunny isn't picked up by the time it turns 10 weeks old, and no prior arrangements are made than it will be assumed that you don't want him/ her anymore and the bunny will be put back up for sale.
4. All of the bunnies are healthy to the best of my knowledge at the time of pickup. Please examine the bunny to make sure that I don't miss anything when you pick the bunny up. I am happy to show you how to perform a health check when you pick up, just ask. Once the bunny leaves my care it is the new owners responsibility to provide adequate care and feed to ensure the bunnies continued health.
5. Please be sure that the bunny is what you want, even though I am raising bunnies for good temperament, correct type and show quality I can't guarantee how they will turn out as adults. I also sex a lot of bunnies but can occasionally make mistakes. When you pick up a bunny please be sure it is what you want.
6. Prices are dependent on quality, sex, and color. Show and Brood animals all come with complete pedigrees, Pet animals can come with a Live,Laugh,Lops baby unofficial bunny birth certificate. This has the parents information on it and the babies birthday and color. Please ask if you would like one.
7. Pick up- Please note due to biosecurity reasons and safety of my bunnies we will meet in the driveway, at this time farm tours aren't happening.
8. Please check out my "About Lops" page to see if owning a bunny is right for you. Also I am happy to answer any e-mails concerning bunnies or questions that you might have.
I price my bunnies according to quality and color. I like my bunnies going to pet homes where they can be loved and spoiled that is why I have different options for the bunnies for prices. Color also plays a part in the cost. Please let me know if you plan on showing bunnies so that I can let you know who has greater show potential.
Sold as PETS- prices typically range between $80-160 without pedigrees
Sold with PEDIGREES or BROOD Animals are $100+
Sold as SHOW Quality Animals or ARBA Registered are $200+ and come with their full pedigrees or registrations.